The Importance Of Teaching Kids About Dogs
Why it’s Important to Educate Children About Canines

For the majority of people, ownership of a pet is something that takes awhile to happen. However, it does come at some point. This is particularly true when the person is part of a young family.
Most people remember growing up with a pet dog or cat to keep them company, but owning a dog requires more than merely letting the animal into your home. For a dog to be fully integrated, it is important that all people are taught how to interact with the canine. This article will provide information on the importance of teaching kids about dogs.
- Approaching The Dog
Regardless of whether your child is approaching a dog in the park or a new pet in your home, they need to know how to approach them correctly. When a child approaches a dog, irrespective of their age, they need to have the permission of the dog’s owner and a supervising adult.
We teach children about ‘stranger danger’, so why does this not extend to unknown animals? When teaching your child about approaching dogs, be sure that they know the rules and do not go out on their own.
- Learning About The Dog
As a parent or guardian, you are responsible for choosing which dogs the child can interact with. To find the ideal dog, it is important that you choose a canine with the correct temperament. As is known, all breeds present with different characteristics; for example, a French Bulldog can be needy while a Jack Russell is hyperactive. Consider the child’s temperament and what they would be most comfortable with, and then choose the dog suitable to their needs. This will make it easier for them to learn about each other and bond.
- Handling Stray Dogs
A stray dog may be a homeless animal or a dog that has broken free of his or her leash. Regardless of the case, most children will be curious about the dog and will often run after them. To avoid this problem, it is important that you teach your child about the danger of strays and how best to handle any animal without adult supervision. Teach them that seeking an adult’s help is the best way to help a dog who is lost. We all wish to do our part to help stray dogs, but the safety of a child is vital.
- Considering The Dog’s Body Language
Unfortunately, dogs cannot speak to us, and this is why they use body language to communicate their needs. Teaching a child about a dog’s body language is the best way to improve their relationship with the animal. By teaching the child to remain still, the dog will learn how to “speak” and communicate his or her needs. Do not allow the child to back the dog into a corner or chase it as this will only frighten the animal.
- Learning How To Behave Around Dogs
It is essential that children be reminded of a dog’s heightened sense of hearing and that they need to speak softly. Squeals of joy may be happy for us, but it could indicate threats or anxiety for a dog. Using an ‘inside voice’ with soothing tones is the best way to help a dog feel at ease and keep the child calm. If the dog bares his teeth or flattens his ears, this could be a sign of unhappiness, and at this point, you should end any child-dog interaction immediately.
Final Words
As can be seen, there is a great deal of information to share with a child before getting a dog. Using the information, will be able to prepare your child for a good lifelong bond with a pet canine.

his blog has been brought to us by our friends at Train Your Canine . If you would like to learn more, please visit them at